Procession for the translation of the body of beatus Roberto da Salle, its 200th anniversary ( July 2007)Who

Salle’s procession

Mari strings, by Daniel Mari (formerly La Bella)Daniel Mari, born in 1927, now Mari strings, previously La Bella.When

Mari Strings by Daniel Mari

Pirastro in strings history. Pirastro, the best modern gut string available on the market.A family-run company which was always

Pirastro in strings history

Savarez in strings history. From the castle of Savaresse Sarra, in Musellaro (a village just close to Salle), to

Savarez in strings history

Thomastick-Infeld in strings history. Two of the greatest innovations of the 20th century come from Thomastick-Infeld, a company based

Thomastick-Infeld in strings history

The innovative concept at D'Addario stringsThe biggest innovation in strings concept coming from D’Addario was the Helicore set,

D’Addario in strings history

Thank you Michael Burnham for this great present!!

Old strings from England: silk or gut?

1/8 violin, seen by chance in a workshop in Italy.1/8 violin, seen by chance in a workshop in

Original gut strings on a little old violin

1978, Salle, Italy:There was still one company selling pure gut strings sets following the old Italian tradition.Enrico D’Orazio

D’Orazio strings 1978

Price lists and catalogues are great sources of information: read with me this price list from 1929 by

Pirastro 1929 price list

Primary sources can be everywhere, even on an old little banjo arriving from eBay, directly from the 40s...


Historically informed ukulele players wanted.Ukulele: born on 23rd of August 1879 (one of the few instruments to have

Ukulele was born with guts.

Carl Flesch witnesses an age of profound changes in string settings. Actually, he wrote right at the time of

Carl Flesch on strings

...and the creation of the first wound violin A In this video I will read for you a correspondence

Roberto Salerni

Why most of the strings factories gave up gut production in the mid of the 20th century?I think

Why many gut strings factories closed after WWII

Paganini asked for thin “e” strings... and got 70-72!

Paganini ordering strings

If you were to play in the Conzertgebow Orchestra in the 60s, which strings were you using?Some news

Conzertgebow strings in the 60s

The oldest certified violin String in the World...from Freiberger Dome. It was far 2005 when Mimmo Peruffo received a

The oldest certified violin String in the World