Sheep gut versus Beef gut: when, why and the differences
The long time diatribe about strings: sheep gut versus beef gut: first video of serie of 3 discussing when, why, and the differences between the two.
We are covering this because it will help us to analyze the changes of 20th century so that we can later discuss the problems of strings today.
Sheep gut versus beef gut, part two: why
After WWII the demand of gut strings was so wide the string makers could not satisfy it any more only with sheep: surgery, tennis, mechanics, and, music strings.
They also found beef being more easy to work as the strands of beef, cut by a machine, were more regular so gave strings more strong as they needed less polishing. So it was an upgrade and not just a concession to the industrial needs...
Sheep gut versus Beef gut part 3/1: the differences.
Color, strength, sound: are there any other differences you noticed between the two? Comment below!
Sheep gut versus beef gut part 3/2: the real difference.
The beef gut, with its standardized measures, it's easier for an industrial production, and it's easier for today, when the musicians buy strings by gauges and not by quantity of strands. Having standard width of strands helps in determine the gauge to be.
The real difference between the two is in the working process. That part of process needed before the string maker can really start his job, which unfortunately will determine the quality of the string as much as the work of the string maker himself...
No matter where the gut comes from, the real difference for the quality of the string is in how the gut is processed.