Can I put Gut strings on my Modern violin?


Can I put Gut strings on my modern violin? 

Yes, of course you can! ...and I believe both your violin and your playing will get a big advantage from this.

Gut strings in fact will reveal you a new voice.

I am speaking about the paste of the voice as well as of course articulation and phrasing. 

When (and if) you will turn back to modern strings this new voice will stay with you and you will be able to find it also in the evenness of modern strings. Resulting in a richness of colors and expression which will make you enjoy much more your playing!

  • peg: if you have the possibility make both the access to the hole a bit smoother so that the string does not have any 90° edges, or anyway check they are not sharpened from the previous strings


baroque music, daniela gaidano home, double-bass strings, early music, gut strings, gut strings maintenance, viol strings, viola da gamba strings, viola strings, violin strings, violoncello strings

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