Polishing and gauging

How the gauge is determined at the polishing and on half polished and smooth strings....

Can you guess why you can never be sure of the quality of a polished string?

Want to know more? There's a downloadable report here, it's free, no opt-in!

Roughly Polished

When I suggest roughly polished strings instead of smooth heavily polished ones, I often receive a squint like I am interfering with personal choices on musical taste, or with technical issues of an instrument which I have never seen, let alone played.  It’s always been difficult for me to explain why I am firm on this

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baroque music, double-bass strings, early music, gut strings, gut strings history, gut strings maintenance, gut strings manufacture, viol strings, viola da gamba strings, viola strings, violin strings, violoncello strings

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Manufacture of wound strings

On the sensibility required to make wound strings Wound strings are a matter of hand sensibility and control of the string maker: even if a machine is involved, it is real craftsmanship to make a good wound string. The factors involved are many, from the quality and gauge of the core, how much it is

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Which gut did they use?

Not only sheeps or lambs… you will be surprised to learn! My sources for this video are the letters of Roberto Salerni, the interviews to the old string makers in Salle, and Labarraque “Nuovo dizionario universale tecnologico delle arti e dei mestieri…”, “Minugiaio”, Venezia 1823

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Modern gut strings at Bow Brand

Gut strings were used for music, surgery and tennis. Music strings were the most difficult to make: many different gauges, and a high quality standard. Managing orders with so many different products and dealing with musicians requests… it was not an easy task! While surgery and tennis were bigger markets and more safe, they also they required

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