How to get new strings promptly in tune


How to get new strings promptly in tune

How long does it takes to your new strings to stay in tune?

I feel that many of us would find one day a reasonable time, but not if that day is the day of the recording, of the rehearsal, the only day to practice properly....

So, even one day it’s too much, it’s frustrating to play out of tune, to find under our fingers different notes than the ones expected, and tuning every five minutes...

Since I learned the tip in this video, I could replace strings at any moment and play them confidently after a few minutes. I hope this helps you as it helped me!

ps: how much shall you pull the string? Be careful, because this will need your sensibility (you have that, or you were not a musician!). First, it is not about pulling the string, but about stretching the short portion between your fingers, one portion at a time. Second, if you pull a string, you can feel when the string is resisting to you, is not willing to give more length. When you start to pull it is soft and then it becomes hard suddenly. That is the point in which it has reached its working tension, and if you go over, if you insist pulling more, it will break, suddenly, with no more advise.

Sorry I didn’t show this in the video, just write me in the comments if you would like a video showing this.


baroque music, double-bass strings, early music, gut strings, gut strings maintenance, viol strings, viola da gamba strings, viola strings, violin strings, violoncello strings

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